Please note that this app is not affiliated to Česká Národní Banka it just displays their data. There data are provided by government institution and are public domain.This app is useful for people that are interested in Czech Koruna (CZK) exchange rates. For clerks, salesmen, businessmen. Also for every people going to vacation.Calculate your spendings. Convert prices in foreign currencies into Czech Crown (Česká koruna, CZK) using built in currency calculator.Do you want to see exchange rate on home screen? Create widget. You can also assign widget shortcut for quick conversion.App displays official exchange rates provided by Czech National Bank. Exchange rate is changing once per business day.Supported currencies:AUD Australian dollarBRL Brazilian realBGN Bulgarian levCNY Chinese renminbiDKK Danish kroneEUR EuroPHP Philippines pesoHKD Hongkong dolarHRK Croatian kunaINR Indian rupiahIDR Indonesian rupiahILS Israeli shekelJPY Japonský jenZAR South African RandKRW South Korean wonCAD Canadian dollarHUF Hungarian forintMYR Malaysian ringgitMXN Mexican pesoXDR Special Driving Rights (XDR)NOK Norwegian KroneNZD New Zealand DollarPLN Polish zlotyRON Romanian new leuRUB Russian rublSGD Singapore dollarSEK Swedish KronaCHF Swiss francTHB Thai bahtTRY Turkish liraUSD US dollarGBP British pound